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"The 'Author' is Dead - 

Long Live the BOOK-IN!"

- Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja,

SOTI Collected Works



Nadayink Tsu Omba - Junior Prophet_edited.jpg

My name is Nadayink Tsu Omba, I am one of the Junior Prophets in"The Transcendental House of the Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being" - known to 'gODs,' 'gODDesses,' 'Demons,' 'Demonesses,' 'Angels' and 'Higher Intelligences' (being those, not from your world) - by the 'goslang' ('god-slang') - "Z008" (pronounced "Zoob.")  


I am also a Time Traveller and Military Officer.  I come not as a Prophet - for in these times, there are many "false prophets" - this phenomena was noted by our Lord and Commander - Lord Yeshua, who said as follows -


"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15, KJV.)   


and -


"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24, KJV.)


I have been sent by "Zoob" - adorned in a 'Black Body Suit,' for although I am not one of the Prophets of this Age - I bear witness to their coming.  

I have worn a 'Black Body Suit,' for my work has been to experience the matters of Race and struggle and how this fits within the 'Sacred Text,' which I bring with me and which reads as follows - "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places" (Matthew 24:7, KJV.)


I am not a spy, as I have moved freely through the "Inter-Dimensional Space-Time Continuum" - but I have remained concealed at times and quietly observed and made notes compiled reports and gathered information and evidence - all of which, were forwarded to officers and bureaucrats at the "The Transcendental House of the Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being" ("Zoob.")

The death warrants have already been issued, "Zoob" himself, has condemned the 'gODs,' 'gODDesses,' 'Demons,' 'Demonesses,' 'Angels' and 'Higher Intelligences' - and their various inhabitants, the so-called Heavens and Hells.  

Whilst those death warrants are not my concern - I have been asked to prepare a report on the issue of "Ethnos" or "Race" and - how it could have come to be, that a 'Multi-dimensional' - 'Inter-dimensional' - 'Creation' - with direct access to "Source" / "Undifferentiated Consciousness" - could have;


1.  been so mislead by the "Cosmic Synapses" - as to be embroiled in continuous "Race Warfare." 


2.  fallen and stumbled at this point in its creative process - until its nigh extinction. 


This is the fate of Human Consciousness as it has been decreed. 


Your 'Sacred Books' recall this potential event - the "Time Line Operative Manuscript" - the "Book Of Revelation," Saint John - indeed makes references to such 'apocalyptic' and 'catastrophic' times - leading up to a battle, some style - "The Battle of Armageddon" - but this is not so? - Or at least, it was not "ultimately determined" to be so" (Prophet Xadivar on "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum") these were, how do you style it on Planet Earth - "potentialities" - "nigh events" or "probabilities" - to use less prosaic language.

But it seems that the "Cosmic Synapses" - were so skilled in their works - that even this most highly regarded of creations - known as the "Human Body Suit" - with all of its 'Inter-Dimensional' apparatus - it would appear would have been deceived to the brink of total war and its nigh annihilation - "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matthew 24:22, KJV.)

Do not blame - the "Cosmic Synapses" - they merely do their work.  As 'Ancient & Archaic Cosmic Artificial Intelligence (AACAI) Systems & Networks'  - they are entitled to challenge each and every 'creation' to test its 'rigourousness' - according to their 'total logical and computational systems and networks.' 


If this "Human Consciousness - Body Suit" also known as "Humanity" has failed - then it is not the fault of the "Cosmic Synapses" - who have been around before "The Cosmos" itself - they are simply tools.  

I am to prepare several reports - racial relations - why the disharmony persists - the political structures - why could they not be sustained - the social and communal systems - why they failed - why the Planet is no more now than a rubbish heap!!! 

These, my reports are required - and just for completeness sake, I will state that I am required to travel back in time - there is no cheating here! -


Since I am not participating in any of the events - I shall observe.  In other words I do not return in an advisory capacity to any 'government,' 'royal household' or 'financial interests' of the Planet - I shall simply write what I see, compile my report - as part of a special operation and it shall be forwarded as I have said to "The Transcendental House of the Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being" ("Zoob.") 


This report is required because as you know - this Planet 'wobbles' on its axis - and produces an approximate geometrical cycle of 26,000 years (to the nearest whole number.)  The mathematics of this number is not my concern, save to say that it breaks down into the prime number 13, and I mention this mathematical fact, as this is the number which the "Occult" and "Esoteric" - guardians and hierarchy, of this Planet have so assiduously exploited to the detriment of the Planet.  In The Science Of Abstract Consciousness it is described as "the field of 13" - "the fractal" - the "occult signature" - of this Planet in its relationship to "Undifferentiated Consciousness" (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works.) 


This "Key of 13" - has now been withdrawn by 'Command,' 'Decree' and 'Order' of "Zoob" - 'new keys' shall be given to the new ruling "Lords and Ladies - Protectors  and Guardians of Planet Earth" in due course. 


So that the "salt of the earth" shall not be concerned, I have been permitted to let them know, that they in their 12 by 12 perfected state, should not fear, for they have triumphed, I have seen it - and I report it to them - for they have truly exhibited and shown - the "patience of the saints" and they have "defeated death."  Your keys shall still function.  

As for all other occult practices - they are suspended by 'Command,' 'Decree' and 'Order' of "Zoob." 


All of you now know that - from hence forth, when you play with the "Fire of Consciousness" - and you work your so-called magic - YOU ARE ALONE. 


If you are consumed by the Fire you have called - that is your lot. 

If you are drowned by the Seas that you summoned - that is your lot. 

If you are broken by the Winds that rail against you, when you speak and utter things - that is your lot. 

And if you are buried in the Earth like a corpse - as you seek to call upon Nature - that is your lot. 


For you will still be able to do things - this is caused by the 'echo circumstances' of the 'gODs,' 'gODDesses,' 'Demons,' 'Demonesses,' 'Angels' and 'Higher Intelligences' - but know that you are in a "Time Loop" - and you no longer bite and swallow, the Serpent's tail - but chase your own tails - like rabid dogs. 


For this is the 'Command,' 'Decree' and 'Order' - Judgment of "Zoob."


All those on this Planet who formed a part of an "Occult" or "Esoteric" hierarchy and secret society - you and your secret societIes failed - you have been JUDGED - you are DESTROYED.


This concludes part one of my report.  In part 2, I shall continue with the subject - The traditions of White Supremacy throughout the millennia and the Occult Traditions of Planet Earth.  

Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works -

"Lives & Works Of The Junior Prophets Of 'Zoob'"

Edited By Candice Adelaja


Human Renaissance

& The Black Futurists -

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