Co-Founder iGURU! Teaching Systems - Designer,
Technical & Archivist
Co-Founder - Architect & Designer of iGURU! Teaching Systems - & Archivist
Science Of The Immortals
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As you can probably see - I'm just a common soldier -
Well, not so "common" - as that.
If truth be told, I'm rather "uncommon" - but we'll get to that.
I'm a soldier, a warrior and a Nazarite (see - Numbers 6, King James Version, KJV) - a 'Nazarite Warrior.' I was there at the beginning when it all started.
Our Commander - I think you know him as Jesus, Messiah or something - or Jesus of Nazareth - didn't the Scribes mean - Jesus the Nazarite, because that's what we are - Nazarites.
Yes there were Healers and so on, but he wasn't much concerned with that - I don't know where all that came from.
The Lord Yeshua was a Military Commander - the 'Supreme Military Commander' - and I can testify to that. Why else would Lord Yeshua, our 'Supreme Military Commander' say -
"Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."
- Matthew 10:34-35 King James Version (KJV)
It's clear, in black and white as they say.
Our leader, Lord Yeshua, is a 'Supreme Military Commander.' For I was one of those, with him.
Yes I am mentioned a couple of times, in what you call the New Testament or the Gospels - but I was mentioned, not by name - well not mentioned, I suppose the correct word is "referred to" - yes, we were referred to, me and other Soldiers - now where's my Bible - let me get my bible - just hold on a minute, here it is -
"Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."
- Matthew 16:28, King James Version (KJV)
Yes that's us - and I can attest to that - we never tasted death! - we never died - I haven't died - I am not dead - we hung around for a long time. We've been around for a long time.
I'm here back in your times now as a 'Black Futurist' - I say back, because we're also Time Travellers - what did you think huh - what do you think we would do? - that we would hang around for over 2000 years - ay? - play knuckle bone or something? - hahahahahaha - Nah! - We're Soldiers. And the Lord Yeshua is our 'Supreme Military Commander.'
I am a 'Physical Immortal,' I do not die and I cannot be killed - that was what the resurrection was all about. Well for us I mean - us Military - us Soldiers - That's what it was all about.
I suppose it got watered down for the healing community - what do they want with 'physical immortality' - 'invincibility' - 'inviolability' - to be 'indomitable' - 'invulnerable' - 'immanent' - oh yes and 'invisible' - that's the Time Travelling aspect - the "Seven Eyes."
They have no need for these things so none of that was recorded - it remained a purely Military art.
The resurrection you speak of, if you look at it carefully, take the time to study even the corrupted texts of the Holy Bible - you will see that it doesn't make sense, does it?
Anyway, we hung around for about 2000 years or so - coming and going - toing and froing - jumping Time Lines - diving through Portals - going up and down Dimensions - generally having fun - all work of course! -
And now we're here.
Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works -
"Excerpts From Inter-Dimensional & Inter-Galactic Warfare"
Edited By Candice Adelaja